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Grover Tech Rental Consumer Electronics Spain SL Carrer Tànger 86 (WeWork Glories), 08018, Barcelona, Spain
Represented by: Intertrust (Spain) S.L. represented by Boris Hellmuth Hermann Hirschel
Fax.:+44 (0)870 127 2172.
E-mail: [email protected]
Commercial register: Madrid
Registration details: Volume: 40,803. Sheet M-723920. Folio 161
Sales tax identification number : NIF Number B02821577
Please do not return any goods to this address. The return address is the following:
Lise Meitner Strasse 23
24941 Flensburg
Intertrust (Spain) S.L. represented by Boris Hellmuth Hermann Hirschel
Calle Serrano Nº41 Planta 4, 28001, Madrid, Spain.
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Status 01/04/2022