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How fast does an e-scooter go? The ultimate guide for speed enthusiasts and e-mobility fans

We Love E-Scooters

The world of e-mobility has a lot to offer: With a whisper-quiet and lightning-fast e-scooter, you can get from point A to point B in no time, protect the environment, and have a lot of fun doing it. No wonder these speedsters are so popular! But how fast do e-scooters actually go, and which models are worth your attention? We’ve taken a closer look at three of the most popular e-scooters for you – the Segway Ninebot MAX G2 D, the Segway Ninebot F2 PRO D, and the SoFlow SO ONE PRO.

Overview of the Models

An e-scooter needs to not only perform well but also look good. Whether you prefer one of the Segway models in classic black or the shimmering silver look of the SoFlow SO ONE PRO – all three models are quite stylish.

But of course, it’s not just about appearances! You can also rely on the inner qualities of your new e-scooter. Do you need a nimble companion for the bustling city streets? Or a reliable partner for longer commutes? You’ll find your perfect match with us to rent.


If you love feeling the wind on your face and watching the world rush by, then you should definitely keep reading. Because now we’re going to tell you how fast these models really are. Here we go:

  • Segway Ninebot MAX G2 D: With a top speed of 20 km/h, you’re faster than someone on a bicycle. Give it a try!

  • Segway Ninebot F2 PRO D: This model also reaches up to 20 km/h. While you won’t be breaking any speed records, you’ll get to your destination safely and in style.

  • SoFlow SO ONE PRO: The perfect compromise between speed and safety – with up to 20 km/h, you’ll zip straight to work or the nearest café.

But how fast is an e-scooter allowed to go in Germany? The law is clear: Without a driver’s license, a maximum speed of 20 km/h is allowed. Most e-scooters are designed with this in mind. Also, younger riders must be at least 14 years old and only use models that comply with the regulations.


So you don’t end up stranded halfway, here’s some information about the range of our three models. Some of them can go quite the distance!

Leading the pack is the Segway Ninebot MAX G2 D with up to 70 km, followed by the SoFlow SO ONE PRO with up to 65 km, and in third place is the Segway Ninebot F2 PRO D with a range of up to 55 km.

Good to know: Ultimately, your weight, the type of terrain, and your riding style will affect the actual distance you can cover. If you want to get the maximum range out of your e-scooter, make sure to maintain an upright posture and accelerate gently.

folded scooter

Battery Charging

No juice, no go – battery life and charging time are two important features of any e-scooter. After all, you don’t want to end up pushing your scooter home in rush hour traffic, do you?

Here’s how long each model needs to be plugged in before it’s ready to hit the road again:

- Segway Ninebot MAX G2 D:** With a powerful 15300 mAh battery, the charging time is 6 hours.

- Segway Ninebot F2 PRO D:** The 12800 mAh battery takes 8 hours to charge.

- SoFlow SO ONE PRO:** The Lithium 48 V1 10.0 Ah battery only needs 3.5 hours to charge.

As you can see, there are significant differences in battery life. So, you should carefully consider which model is best suited for your needs.

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Safety and Riding Comfort

We learned this in kindergarten – safety first! Our top models are equipped with features that won’t let you down when it matters most. Reliable brakes, front and rear lights compliant with German road regulations (StVZO), and tracking features are standard for these e-scooters. And don’t forget: Always wear a helmet!

Since you probably don’t want to bounce over cobblestones like a sack of potatoes, comfort should also be a major consideration. That’s why the Segway Ninebot MAX G2 D is equipped with front and rear suspension, the Segway Ninebot F2 PRO D has front suspension, and the SoFlow SO ONE PRO is as light as a feather at just 15.5 kg.

E-Mobility Means Freedom

So, which model is your favorite? The Segway Ninebot MAX G2 D with its massive range, the Segway Ninebot F2 PRO D as a solid all-rounder, or the featherweight SoFlow SO ONE PRO with ultra-fast charging time? Ultimately, it depends on you and your needs.

One thing we can promise you: All models are environmentally friendly and offer you a free, unbound riding experience through the city or on your way to the next village. What are you waiting for? Grab your helmet and join us in revolutionizing the world of e-mobility!

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